Official Website for Rachel Marie the writer
Tides ripple within and all I can acquire is a sense of relief
It feels wrong but in a sense it’s right in itself
I’m sorry for the times I blew it
Maybe I’ll figure it out …
Maybe you’ll help me do it…
Maybe it will work out…
Maybe I’ll wise up & realize it won’t…
– Or never will…
Sometimes we know while other times we’re just guessing…
But I never want to be the one second guessing…
The times we had were perfect but the timing itself was impatient
From the moments of clarity to the times of misunderstanding
It was wrong from the very beginning…
At one point I knew what it was but then it became too vague…
Not enough clarification, more of a headache than wise implementation…
At one time I was your inspiration; over time I was just another aggravation…
We went from being one & united to being strangers…
It became hard to understand and I’m constantly trying to manage my anger…
Management is the key; I used to own it…but
Time has its own way of proving us wrong and –
–when we try something different it always explodes – like…
From the times we conversed endlessly to the nights we never spoke…
We tried to be each other’s serenity only to become each other’s ghost…
But I still want you…
I still believe in everything we once had…
The things I wanted to believe and the things that turned out not to be true…
I wanted to believe you…and
I wanted to be the one you needed; but I tended to leave you stranded…
Turns out we’re just like the rest of the others either one of us has ever encountered…just,
Our differences were our ways of implementation…
From inconsistent support to slow asphyxiation…
It was death by strangulation…RIP to what we used to be…
–yet somehow you still have the ability to revive me…
“there are oceans between the first time I said I love you and the last time I meant it”…
(Quote credit @Ashe Vernon ©)
(Rachel Marie, the Writer © 2015)